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Showing posts with the label Sway


Born July 3, 1971, it was Sway's birthday. He hosts Sway in the Morning on SiriusXM at Eminem's Shade45 station. In November 2013, Kanye West appeared as a guest on his show and had an infamous meltdown on air, uttering memorable lines like "You ain't got the answers Sway, You ain't been doing the education" Né le 3 juillet 1971, c’est l’anniversaire de Sway. Il anime Sway in the Morning à SiriusXM au poste Shade45 d’Eminem. En novembre 2013, Kanye West est apparu en tant qu'invité de son émission et a eu un tristement célèbre effondrement à l'antenne, prononçant des phrases mémorables comme "Tu n'as pas les réponses Sway, tu ne fais pas l'éducation"

The Notorious B.I.G.

On March 1, 1997, The Notorious B.I.G. gives his last interview on Sway and King Tech's Wake up Show. He was tragically murdered 8 days later. Le 1er mars 1997, The Notorious B.I.G. donne sa dernière entrevue au Wake up Show de Sway and King Tech. Il est tragiquement assassiné 8 jours plus tard.