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Showing posts with the label 25 novembre


Born November 25, 1975, it is Strings’s birthday. Marinna Teal has been active since 1995 and Tateeze was born in Chicago. Née le 25 novembre 1975, c’est l’anniversaire de Strings. Marinna Teal est active depuis 1995 et T ateeze est née à Chicago. 

Emanon - Dystopia

On November 25, 2016, the duo Emanon released Dystopia, it was out with Dirty Science Records. Blu is a guest on the song Yesterday. Le 25 novembre 2016, le duo Emanon sortait Dystopia, c’est paru avec Dirty Science Records. Blu est invité sur la chanson Yesterday. 

Swift Guad & Mani Déïz - Masterpiece

On November 25, 2016, the duo Swift Guad & Mani Déïz released Masterpiece. Davodka is a guest on the song Ma Gueule. Le 25 novembre 2016, le duo Swift Guad et Mani Déïz sortait Masterpiece. Davodka est invité sur la chanson Ma Gueule.

Lucio Bukowski & Milka - Hourvari

On November 25, 2016, the duo Lucio Bukowski & Milka released Hourvari. Lucio comes from Lyon and is a member of the L’Animalerie collective. Le 25 novembre 2016, le duo Lucio Bukowski et Milka sortait Hourvari. Lucio vient de Lyon et il est membre du collectif L’Animalerie. 

Your Old Droog

On November 25, 2014, Your Old Droog released his eponym. The original issue was 500 copies, the first 75 copies on clear vinyl, yellow and mixed red. The next 150 copies on Red & Black vinyl. The remaining 275 copies were on black vinyl. Le 25 novembre 2014, Your Old Droog sortait son éponyme. La parution original s’est faite à 500 copies, les 75 premiers exemplaires sur vinyle clair, jaune et rouge mélangé. Les 150 prochains exemplaires sur vinyle de couleur Rouge & Noir. Les 275 exemplaires restants étaient sur vinyle noir.

Von Pea and The Other Guys - To: You

On November 25, 2014, the trio Von Pea and The Other Guys released To: You. Elucid of the duo Armand Hammer is invited on the song Connect Four (AKA Lessondary). Le 25 novembre 2014, le trio Von Pea and The Other Guys sortait To: You. Elucid du duo Armand Hammer est invité sur la chanson Connect Four (AKA Lessondary). 

The Audible Doctor - Can’t Keep The People Waiting

On November 25, 2014, The Audible Doctor came out with Can’t Keep The People Waiting. Consequence is a guest on No Future and Bumpy Knuckles on the song The Beast. Le 25 novembre 2014, The Audible Doctor sortait Can’t Keep The People Waiting. Consequence est invité sur No Future et Bumpy Knuckles sur la chanson The Beast.

Demi Portion - Les Histoires

On November 25, 2013, Demi Portion released Les Histoires. He comes from Sète in the south of France and Fabe from Scred Connexion is one of his mentors. Le 25 novembre 2013, Demi Portion sortait Les Histoires. Il vient de Sète dans le sud de la France et Fabe de Scred Connexion est un de ses mentors. 

Beastie Boys

On November 25, 2013, Beastie Boys sued the toy company GoldieBlox for running an online ad featuring little girls singing an altered version of their song "Girls" (the group has never allowed their songs to be licensed for advertising). The suit is settled on March 19, 2014, with GoldieBlox issuing an apology and making a donation to charity. Le 25 novembre 2013, les Beastie Boys ont poursuivi la société de jouets GoldieBlox pour avoir diffusé une publicité en ligne mettant en vedette des petites filles chantant une version modifiée de leur chanson "Girls" (le groupe n'a jamais autorisé leurs chansons à être utilisées pour faire de la publicité). La poursuite est réglée le 19 mars 2014, GoldieBlox présentant des excuses et faisant un don à une œuvre de bienfaisance.

Shabazz the Disciple - Hood Hopera

On November 25, 2011, Shabazz the Disciple released Hood Hopera (Theatrica Biblica). Scientific Shabazz is known to have exerted an influence on the late Big Pun. Le 25 novembre 2011, Shabazz the Disciple sortait Hood Hopera (Theatrica Biblica). Scientific Shabazz est connu pour avoir exercé une influence sur le regretté Big Pun.

Free Leonard Peltier: Hip Hop's Contribution To The Freedom Campaign

On November 25, 2010, it was the release of the compilation Free Leonard Peltier: Hip Hop's Contribution To The Freedom Campaign. Le 25 novembre 2010, c’était la sortie de la compilation Free Leonard Peltier: Hip Hop's Contribution To The Freedom Campaign.

Jim Jones - A Tribute To Bad Santa Starring Mike Epps

On November 25, 2008, Jim Jones released his mixtape A Tribute To Bad Santa Starring Mike Epps. In February 2009, Deonta Cummings filed a lawsuit against Jim Jones and E1 Records (formerly Koch) alleging that their artist, Ivory Keys, had not received appropriate compensation or credit for his contribution to the album. Le 25 novembre 2008, Jim Jones sortait son mixtape A Tribute To Bad Santa Starring Mike Epps. En février 2009, Deonta Cummings a déposé une plainte contre Jim Jones et E1 Records (anciennement Koch) alléguant que son artiste, Ivory Keys, n'avait pas reçu de compensation ou de crédit approprié pour sa contribution à l'album.

Lil' Keke - Changin' Lanes

On November 25, 2003, Lil' Keke released Changin' Lanes. The duo Eightball & M.J.G. are guests on the song Creases And Pieces. Le 25 novembre 2003, Lil' Keke sortait Changin' Lanes. Le duo Eightball & M.J.G. est invité sur la chanson Creases And Pieces.

Missy Elliott - This Is Not a Test!

On November 25, 2003, Missy Elliott released This Is Not a Test!, her 5th album. Jay-Z is a guest on the song Wake Up. Le 25 novembre 2003, Missy Elliott sortait This Is Not a Test!, son 5e album. Jay-Z est invité sur la chanson Wake Up. 

Busy Bee

On November 25, 2002, it was the release of the compilation Sugar Hill (Hip-Hop Box Set). Busy Bee had released Making Cash Money in 1982. His other 12’’ released with Sugar Hill Records was Busy Bee’s Groove in 1985. In 1981, with the Master Five label, he released School Days. Le 25 novembre 2002, c’était la sortie de la compilation Sugar Hill (Hip-Hop Box Set). Busy Bee avait sorti Making Cash Money en 1982. Son autre 12’’ paru avec Sugar Hill Records est Busy Bee’s Groove en 1985. En 1981, avec l’étiquette Master Five, il avait sorti School Days. 

Don Choa - Vapeurs Toxiques

On November 25, 2002, Don Choa released Vapeurs Toxiques . The title of the former Fonky Family member refers to the explosion of the AZF factory in Toulouse in 2001. Le 25 novembre 2002, Don Choa sortait Vapeurs Toxiques. Le titre de l’ancien membre de Fonky Family fait référence à l'explosion de l’usine AZF à Toulouse en 2001. 

Will Smith - Big Willie Style

On November 25, 1997, Will Smith released Big Willie Style, his first solo album. The duo Camp Lo is invited on the song Yes Yes Y'all. Le 25 novembre 1997, Will Smith sortait Big Willie Style, son premier album solo. Le duo Camp Lo est invité sur la chanson Yes Yes Y'all. 

DFC - The Whole World's Rotten

On November 25, 1997, the group DFC released The Whole World's Rotten, their 3rd album. MC Breed produced and is a guest on the song Ain’t Nobody. Le 25 novembre 1997, le groupe DFC sortait The Whole World's Rotten, leur 3e album. MC Breed a réalisé et il est invité sur la chanson Ain’t Nobody.

2Pac - R U Still Down?

On November 25, 1997, it was the release of R U Still Down? (Remember Me) by 2Pac. This was his 6th album and the songs are from 1992 to 1994.  Le 25 novembre 1997, c’était la sortie de R U Still Down? (Remember Me) de 2Pac. Il s’agissait de son 6e album et les chansons sont de 1992 à 1994. 

Run-DMC - Christmas In Hollis

On November 25, 1987, the group Run-DMC released the single Christmas In Hollis. The song ended up in movies like Less Than Zero and Die Hard. Le 25 novembre 1987, le groupe Run-DMC sortait le simple Christmas In Hollis. La chanson s’est retrouvée dans les films Less Than Zero et Die Hard.