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Showing posts with the label Braintax

Braintax - Biro Funk

On December 1, 2001, Braintax released Biro Funk, his debut album. Joe Christie was active from 1998 to 2008. My Last and Best Album was released in 2008. Le 1er décembre 2001, Braintax sortait Biro Funk, son premier album. Joe Christie a été actif de 1998 à 2008. My Last and Best Album est paru en 2008. 

Braintax - Panorama

On October 23, 2006, Leeds native Braintax released Panorama, his 2nd album. Dubbledge is a guest on the song Anti-Gray. Le 23 octobre 2006, le natif de Leeds, Braintax sortait Panorama, son 2e album. Dubbledge est invité sur la chanson Anti-Grey.