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Flying Lotus

Born October 7, 1983, it is the birthday of Flying Lotus. Steven Ellison is the grandnephew of the late jazz pianist Alice Coltrane, whose husband was saxophonist John Coltrane. Né le 7 octobre 1983, c’est l’anniversaire de Flying Lotus. Steven Ellison est le petit-neveu de la regrettée pianiste de jazz Alice Coltrane, dont le mari était le saxophoniste John Coltrane.

Flying Lotus - You're Dead!

On October 6, 2014, Flying Lotus came out with You're Dead!, his 5th album. Kendrick Lamar is a guest on the song Never Catch Me. Le 6 octobre 2014, Flying Lotus sortait You're Dead!, son 5e album. Kendrick Lamar est invité sur la chanson Never Catch Me.